Polder 90401-91H 2-Step Mini-Stool

Stores easily in narrow space; bites fingers!4

I bought this from Home Visions two years ago. Glad to see Amazon has linked up with them!

I love the fact it can be stored in the 3" gap between my refrigerator and wall! It is sturdy with deep steps and has rubber grips on the feet so no sliding around. It is light enough to be carried anywhere.

The reason I gave it four stars was because it likes to bite when you are folding it for storage. The instructions mentioned nothing about a feeding schedule for this stool so I now proceed with great caution!

My recommendations for safe folding: With your left hand grasp the back of the top step in the middle and pull it up and towards you (keep front two feet of the stool on the ground!); slide your right index finger under the red lever (making sure all other fingers are folded against your hand); push up on the red lever while firmly holding the stool ... do NOT move your index finger until the whole thing has collapsed - which happens quickly!

By following these steps your fingers should be safe and you won't be doing a jig around your kitchen calling the stool nasty names ... which could be why it bit me so often; I really did not have nice things to say to it!More detail ...


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